Top Ten Favorite things about moving to Georgia
10. Warmth coupled with a healthy dose of A/C!
9. Trees. We thought Michigan was green, but whoa, we feel like we are living in the camp lodge here!
8. Our own personal washer and dryer. We were fine without one, but now we can(and did) potty train our daughter. Hooray!
7. Fun new church callings. Just as cool as our fun OLD callings, yet still exciting. Jason is liking ward mission work, and I have a blast in primary and cub scouts.
6. ATLANTA! A major airport, the Temple, Six flags, the Aquarium, and Ikea give us lots of fun stuff to do, and plenty of incentive for friends and relatives to visit!
5. Good employment, well, enough said.
4. Southern Food. Where else can you get fried chicken served with your waffle in the morning?
3. Did I already say Ikea?
2. Cheap rent and big bedrooms!
1. And the number one reason we love it here is that we feel right where the Lord wants us to be!