Monday, April 13, 2009

What to do, what to do?

With more grad school in the planning stages, we've been measuring a lot of possibilities for various situations. For example:

Pro: Going to a great 3 year program in sunny southern California.
Con: a ton of student loans to afford the closest safe apartment and a long commute.

So many things to think about and the planning is almost dizzying, but what's really pressing on my nerves right now is this: What to do, what to do?And this:

I'd prefer a box of corn starch snowed into my living room over this right now. VASTLY prefer it. I keep hearing how patient other moms think I am, but a mess like this really erks me and is amplified by the HOURS I spend cleaning, sorting and undoing just such a mess just a few short days ago. Not that there's any evidence of that today.

So back to the main question of " what to do? "

Well, eventually I decided exactly what to do:

1. Make flowers, bugs, and shadow outlines with sidewalk chalk.
2. Fly a Lighting McQueen kite.
3. Sweep my steps.
4. And after 2 + hours outside, we went on a wagon ride to the park, but never made it past the kiddie pool in our friends front yard.

Can I just say, I LOVE Spring for avoiding the inside of my house. Now we're back, all cantankerous feelings dissipated, and I'm ready for a late nap and snuggle time with my kids.

*ah* Life is good.

Sometimes the sailor needs more calming that the storm does.


frankman said...

Nice! I vote Sunny Idaho for grad school.....hehehe. I can dream right?
Love you guys!

tzennibah said...

You could have a yard sale to make money and get rid of stuff they cannot take care of.

Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but on what happens inside of you.

Harold B. Lee